Prayer for the Entrustment of the Family to Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu

Ta' Pinu painting

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Family, today we have before you in your sanctuary of Ta’ Pinu to entrust our family to your maternal protection.

O Mother of Life and Temple of God’s Spirit, in your womb the Son of God took flesh, make out of our family a living sanctuary where life is cherished and respected with love from its very beginning.

O Woman of Silence, from this your house continue to spread your invitation towards each and every family so that they would also recollect themselves in silence on order to give heed to your Son. Help us to recognize his voice and listen to it that his words may be the basis on which we build our family.

Mother and Teacher of Life we want Christ to be the centre of our family that in it the sentiment of love, forgiveness, mercy and goodness, of docility and patience may thrive and so the peace of Christ will live also within us.

O Companion of the Saviour, who walked the way of the Cross, walk with us today and always so that when we come face to face with temptation, with illness, with suffering, and our thoughts become darkened, you become for us the guide that brings us to Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

O Lady of Ta’ Pinu, in our pilgrimage towards our heavenly home, keep your eyes fixed on us that we may grow in love towards God, to each other and to our brethren so that we may always be testimony to Christ our Savoir.
